Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes For Cousin | Cousin Sister & Cousin Brother

Last Updated on December 30, 2023 by First Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes For Cousin: If you have a great relationship with your cousins, you already know just how blessed you are. And if you’ve come out to the other end of your childhood with your cousin being your best friend, you know she’s had an incredible impact on your life in more ways than one. She’s the peanut butter to your jelly, and you really wouldn’t have it any other way. Of course, as with any solid friendship, you’ve probably taken millions of pictures together since day one. 

You and your cousin have literally been there for each other for everything. Over the years, you’ve seen it all: each other’s first crush, college acceptances, friend drama, and the worst breakups. You’ve gotten so close that you tell everyone who doesn’t know better that you actually are sisters. And, if we’re being honest, you’ve said it so many times that at this point, you’re starting to believe it, too. Being best friends and cousins is a gift; you’ve been given a head start on your friendship that not many other people have.

Here are the Best Birthday Wishes for Cousin

The love between family can be loud and messy, but it is also unwavering, so take a moment on their special day to wish your cousin a happy birthday. Below are some birthday messages to help inspire you on how to say, happy birthday cousin.

Birthday Wishes for Cousin Sister

1. I want the sun to shine the brightest today, and the birds to sing the loudest because today is one of the most special days in the year. My cousin celebrates a birthday.

2. Today is no ordinary day. A little birdy told me you are celebrating a birthday, and I hope you have a delicious cake and you like the presents you get. Starting with my wish.

3. If I could give the gift of immortality to somebody, you would definitely be high on that list. I want you to be able to live forever and make me happy as always. Happy birthday, cousin.

4. We are definitely a family my cousin. I find myself in you, and I hope you find yourself in me. You can turn to me anytime, and I can turn to you anytime. Happy birthday.

5. I miss the days when I would count the hours before your visit. Now that we are all grown up, we might be separated a bit. But you can still count on me. On this special day, I wish you make your dreams come true.

6. Having a good cousin is one of the best gifts you can receive in your life. Thank you for being my inspiration, and my dearest cousin and friend.

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

7. You are a blessing to have. We are happy and grateful every day to have you as a cousin. Thanks for being such a good listener, and I hope you have a birthday you will always remember.

8. Your presence in my life is a source of happiness. You are my favorite cousin. But do not tell others. May all your wishes come true today.

9. I want to tell you on this special day how loved and blessed I feel to have you as my cousin. You are part of my family and life, but you feel like more than that.

Birthday Wishes For Cousin
Best Birthday Wishes For Cousin

10. You may not say it often cousin, but I know that deep down you totally care for me. Deep, deep, deep down where you can barely see it. I feel the same about you, and I hope your birthday is truly spectacular.

11. For all the years you ratted me out to my parents I forgive you because it’s your birthday. Also, I may have ratted you out to your parents a couple of times too.

12. Cousins always know when to hold you and more importantly when to challenge you. Thanks for helping me grow as a person even when I didn’t want to. Happy birthday, cousin!

Birthday Wishes for Cousin Brother

13. Keep doing good things in your life, and continue filling your life pages with wisdom and good deeds. Happy birthday my dear cousin.

14. If you have happiness in your life, everything else will come with it. I wish you all the happiness in the world on this special day. Have fun my cousin.

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

15. You have grown wiser since your last birthday. And I am so proud of you. My dear cousin, today is another birthday for you, and I hope you celebrate as you wish. Have a fun one.

16. Now that it is your birthday, I hope you continue to grow wiser with each passing day. I would like to tell you I am grateful to have you in my life, and I am proud of all the success you have achieved.

17. You are such a special person in my life, I honestly do not know what to wish for you. But let’s start with lots of happiness, more success, good health, to love and be loved.

Happy birthday Cousin Wishes

18. You are more adored than you could possibly realize. I hope that on your birthday you receive enough love to last a lifetime cousin. You can start with mine. Happy birthday!

19. Thank you for being the kind of person who knows all my flaws, but accepts and loves me anyway. You are more than my cousin. You are my bestie.

20. Family is connected not just by blood but by heart. Even distance and time cannot break apart our bond. I love you cousin and always will no matter what we go through. Have a wonderful birthday.

21. You mean the absolute world to me, because you are the type of person who gives so unselfishly. I hope to be even half the person you are one day. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

22. I am convinced I have the best cousin in the world, and I hope the feeling is mutual. From one phenomenal cousin to another I wish you a happy birthday!

23. I hope that this year you wake up with a smile on your face every single day. At least I know you will tomorrow because I got you the best birthday gift ever. Cake. Happy birthday, cousin!

24. I am so deeply blessed to have a cousin like you: fun, fearless, and little flighty. You bring endless joy into my life. I hope you get tons of presents, cake, and love on your birthday.

25. I hope that you continue to reach higher and higher in life. You’ve already touched the sky, but I know you can also reach the stars. Happy birthday, cousin!

26. I hope you have a birthday as epic as the day you were born. As I hear it, it was pretty darn epic. Stay classy, cool, and amazing this year cousin.

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

27. You are the kind of person whose impact on this world will leave lasting impressions. I can tell, because you’ve already impacted my life for the better in so many ways. May all the good you’ve done return to you two-fold this year cousin.

28. The bond of family is stronger than any argument or fight we’ve been through. I hope to continue to be a part of every journey you go through in life. Happy birthday!

29. Happy birthday to the sweetest, most adorable cousin in the world. I hope your birthday is filled with sugar, spice, and all things nice just like you.

Birthday Wishes For My Cousin

30. Your birthday is special because it gives me the opportunity to celebrate the day that someone I love and respect came into the world. I hope it’s a wonderful day for you.

31. During childhood, you were my greatest friend. Even though many birthdays have come and gone since then our friendship is as strong as ever. Thanks for always sticking by my side.

32. I love you is such a small and simple phrase, but it carries the depth of my feelings for you. I hope you feel the sincerity in my words because I truly mean it. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

33. I hope that for your birthday you are showered in blessings, including mine. I know you will return them to me ten-fold. Thank you for always being my strength and support.

34. Your joy and zest for life inspire me to strive to be a better person. May your birthday be filled with wonder and awe. Happy birthday, cousin!

35. Friendships come and go, but family is for life. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes that’s a bad thing. One thing is for certain, though, having a cousin as wonderful as you has brought nothing but joy into my life.

36. May you live long and prosper cousin, and may you never own a redshirt. Happy birthday you Trekkie you!

37. You mean more to me than you will ever know. Even though I don’t say it often enough I hope my actions convey my feelings loud and clear: I have nothing but love and respect for you cousin.

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

38. As you are my cousin, it’s my duty to wish you a happy birthday and remind you that you’re getting old. Really, really, really old, but I still love you anyway.

39. I wish you a wonderful birthday filled with warm wishes and a whole lot of chicken and beer. Also, tacos. Everyone should have tacos on their birthday.

40. Your cake has so many candles that it’s become a fire hazard. Mwahaha. I meant congrats on getting older cousin!

41. You bring such glee into not just mine, but our family’s lives. May your deepest wishes and dreams come true this year. Happy birthday, cousin!

42. Remember that at the end of the day-age is just a number. What really matters is what you’ve done with all the years you’ve been given. Keep on being fabulous cousin, and you’ve got nothing to worry about. Happy birthday!

43. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that my moments and memories with you are some of the ones that are closest to my heart. You’ve left an impression on my life like no other, and I can’t imagine not having you as my cousin. Happy birthday!

44. I know being related to me is really the only birthday gift you need, but just in case I also brought you cake and wine. You’re welcome.

45. You are such a kind and thoughtful soul. I am so fortunate that I get to celebrate having another year to bask in your awesome presence. May your birthday be filled with all the smiles a day can bring. Happy birthday, cousin!

46. Even when you are down and out I have faith in you, because you’re the kind of person who doesn’t know the meaning of the word defeat. This birthday marks the beginning of the year you begin world domination. I’ll forever be your minion cousin!

47. Your presence in my life is a source of wonder and happiness. I’m so glad to be even a small part of your life. Have a spectacular birthday cousin!

Birthday Wishes For Cousin

48. I hope your birthday is magical and filled with wonder just like Hogwarts. Happy birthday, cousin!

49. On this birthday I wanted to let you know that you will forever be an irreplaceable part of my life. I hope your birthday is as phenomenal as you are cousin.

50. You are such a wonderful reminder of all that makes life good and whole. Happy birthday to my cousin that shines brighter than the sun. May you get tons of presents and food on your birthday!

51. These happy birthday wishes capture all the best parts of sisterhood, friendship, and close sibling love. Your sister always deserves the best, so these birthday wishes for Cousin make her birthday amazing.

For more Birthday Related Wishes make sure to visit FirstBirthdayWishes again. Share us with all your friends and family so that they can also get beautiful birthday wishes.

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Juhi Sharma

Juhi Sharma, a seasoned content writer, specializes in the vibrant realms of birthday wishes, greetings, and gift-related content. With a passion for crafting heartfelt messages and insightful pieces, Juhi weaves her words to add joy and meaning to celebratory moments. Her expertise lies in curating engaging content across various websites, enriching the gifting and greetings niche with her creativity and flair for expression.

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